Photos of nano tanks and other freshwater planted aquariums
- Freshly trimmed shallow desk aquarium
- Low-tech bookshelf nano planted aquariums
- Shallow desktop planted tank
- The smallest nano planted aquarium
- Blue Velvet Neocaridina Shrimp climbs a mountain
- Blue Leopard Ramshorn Snail in a Jarrarium
- How to: Create a Jarrarium on a budget
- 125 Gallon Freshwater Planted Dutch Tank
- Desktop nano freshwater planted tank
- Explosion – 20L Freshwater Planted Aquarium
- Eruption – 20L Freshwater Planted Aquarium
- 29 Gallon Freshwater Planted Angelfish Aquarium
- Grass Roots – 29 Gallon Freshwater Planted Aquarium
- Forests – 29 Gallon Freshwater Planted Aquarium
- 20L Freshwater Planted Tank (2013)
- 20L Freshwater Planted Tank (2012)
- 10 Gallon Rimless Freshwater Planted Tank
- Peekaboo Tetra
- Planted betta tank
- The careful red ramshorn snail
- Treeless Mountain Planted Freshwater Aquarium
All aquarium photos were taken by Rainforest Concepts or friends of Rainforest Concepts. Click or tap the photos for details on each specific tank, their inhabitants, and creators.