
freshwater planted

November 27, 2015

Grass Roots – 29 Gallon Freshwater Planted Aquarium

29 Gallon Freshwater Planted Aquarium – Grass Roots

About this Aquascape

Flora (plants): blyxa japonica, fissidens fontanus, echinodorus tenellus, Microsorum pteropus, crypt wenditii ‘bronze’, glossostigma elatinoides

Fauna (animals): rummy nose tetra, cardinal tetra, panda cory

Aquarium Equipment: 20oz paintball c02 tank, UPaqua simple regulator, ebay drop checker, coralife T5HO (6500k/colormax bulbs), ebay 400gph power head, eheim 2215, play sand, EI fertilizer dosing

“Grass Roots” aquascape created by Aquatics AF

August 11, 2012

Treeless Mountain Planted Freshwater Aquarium

-ADA Mini S (High clarity)
-ADA Aquasoil (New type) 3L
-ADA Seiryu stone (Thanks Bsk!)
-Archaea 30cm LED (All white LED version, thanks Forrestp38829)
-Custom 10mm acrylic lily pipes (ADA mini style, thanks Fishkykid1!)
-Zoomed 501 canister filter
-Paintball CO2 (Jaggedfury style)
-Knockoff ADA bubble counter, check valve, and diffuser

Planning on HC, although I may cave and use the UG I have.

Placed an order with Msjnkzd for 5 CPDs, in addition to my 2 algae-devouring, giant Amanos.

RootMedic OneStep and possibly Excel.

Originally Posted at: http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/showthread.php?t=169518