One of my favorite tropical plants is the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma (as you can tell by the logo I made for this site).
Here’s a quick before / after of my plants growth within 9 months.
As for care: I recommend extremely high humidity. I keep this rhaphidophora in a grow tent with humidity at a constant 90%+. When propped on mole poles / coco coir poles, it’s growth rate accelerates as it LOVES to climb.
The philodendron atabpoense is one of my favorite tropical plants. A great climbing plant, adolescent leafs (like this one) have a deep purple on the underside. Adult leaves reach upwards of 2 feet.
While sometimes more difficult to maintain than larger tanks, due to more volatile water parameters, I love how nano tanks look — especially on the bookshelf in my office. In late June 2021, I re-scaped two of my nano tanks. Here are some photos 3 months later.
Currently, the only livestock these tank house is snails. I’ll most likely keep it that way.
Top tank: Low-tech molten glass over wood (<1 gallon)
Tank — Hand blown molten glass on wood. This is a higher quality one from West Elm that was a gift. It has very thick glass (over 1cm thick!) I would NOT recommend using the cheaper versions of this for holding water, like those found on Amazon
Light — Nicrew clamp light. Perfect brightness for nano tanks
Hardscape — Locally sourced granite. What a pain to get into this bowl!
Plants — Anubias nana petite & microcarpaea minima (carpet)
Livestock — Bladder snails
Other — Walstad method with an air pump for circulation (black tube is not co2). Weekly 90% water change
Bottom tank: Low-tech 3.5 gallon long
Tank — 3.5 gallon Seapora “Betta Breeder” (I would never put a betta in anything this small, but it’s perfect for snails and shrimp)
Light — Fluval Aquasky Nano light
Hardscape — Seiryu stone
Plants — Dwarf hair grass (carpet), Anubias nana, Anubias nana petite, some stray riccia fluitans keep showing up
Livestock — Bladder snails!
Other — Low-tech: Small aqueon hang filter and an air pump for extra surface disruption (black tube is not co2). Liquid ferts once a week. Weekly 90% water change
Here’s an outline of the light settings for the Fluval above the 3.5 gallon tank. With the snails, it’s nearly algae free with this light intensity
Leucomelas are one species within the genus of Dendrobates where the male will carry tadpoles and deposit them into pools of water within the forest. They prefer the cups of Bromeliads, which many poison dart frog keepers provide within their vivariums.
Interestingly enough, Leucomelas tadpoles can be cannibalistic. If a tadpole is deposited into a bromeliad where a tadpole already exists, the larger tadpole will eat the smaller one.